The Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine methods used by Dr Anita (ChinMed) at Pearl of Health help alleviate head, ear, nose, and throat (ENT) conditions by balancing Qi, reducing inflammation, and improving circulation.
Techniques like acupuncture, cupping, and herbal medicine treat sinusitis, tinnitus, vertigo, and allergic rhinitis by clearing blockages, enhancing immunity, and promoting healing.
Dietary therapy further supports long-term relief and symptom management.
The following are some commonly seen conditions at Pearl of Health (Melbourne & Macedon Ranges)
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine used at Pearl of Health assist hay fever by balancing Qi, reducing inflammation, and strengthening the Lung and Spleen. Acupuncture clears nasal congestion, reduces sneezing, and alleviates itchy eyes by regulating the immune system. Herbal medicine and dietary therapy further support long-term allergy relief and symptom prevention.
Acupuncture and TCM at Pearl of Health regulate headaches by balancing Qi, improving Blood circulation, and reducing tension. Acupuncture releases blockages, eases pain, and calms the nervous system. Alternate methods also address underlying imbalances, providing long-term relief from migraines, tension headaches, and sinus-related discomfort.
At Pearl of Health we work with chronic and acute sinusitis by reducing inflammation, clearing nasal congestion, and enhancing Qi flow. Acupuncture improves sinus drainage, relieves pressure, and strengthens immunity. Alternate methods also address underlying imbalances, often preventing the need for surgery by promoting long-term sinus health and function.
Acupuncture is used at Pearl of Health to ease vertigo by improving Qi and Blood circulation, reduce Dampness, and calm the Liver. Acupuncture targets specific points to restore the vestibular system, ease dizziness, and regulate the inner ear. It helps reduce symptoms, prevent recurrence, and promote overall stability by harmonising the body's energy flow.
Acupuncture methods used at Pearl of Health target specific points to ease throbbing pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and dizziness. By addressing underlying imbalances, we help reduce migraine frequency, severity, and duration, promoting long-term relief and overall well-being.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) relieve tinnitus by improving Qi circulation, clearing Dampness, and harmonising the Liver and Kidneys. Dr Anita (ChinMed) will use specific points to alleviate ringing or buzzing in the ears, reduce associated stress, and restore energy balance. This approach aims to reduce the intensity and frequency of symptoms.
At Pearl of Health we effectively relieve earaches by promoting Qi flow, reducing inflammation, and strengthening the immune system. In cases of recurrent childhood ear infections, TCM addresses underlying imbalances such as Dampness or Liver Qi stagnation. Acupuncture targets specific points to alleviate pain, reduce congestion, and improve fluid drainage, offering relief and potentially reducing the frequency of future infections, supporting long-term ear health.
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